Support service for accepting
Technical Intern Trainees

We are a mediator between Enterprises and Technical Intern Trainees.

“Technical Intern Training” is one of the residence statuses allowing to work in Japan.
The objective of the Technical Intern Training program is to enable foreign nationals who have acquired skills in Japan to contribute to the industrial development of their home country.
The purpose of accepting Technical Intern Trainees is to transfer advanced skills of Japan overseas.
Securing hard-driving talented human resources and accepting ambitious young human resources enable to not only attain revitalization of the company but also supply a shortage of human resources.


Support Contents for Technical Intern Trainees

The contents of WORLD GLOBAL SUPPORT’s support services for accepting Technical Intern Trainees are as follows.

Support services to accept Technical Intern Trainees/ Representative Management Services

When foreign nationals first join a company, communication is trouble and requires more care than a Japanese person.
Moreover, rules, work manuals, and so on must be verbalized/stated more intelligibly.
WORLD GLOBAL SUPPORT provides support emphasizing compliance by experts and representative management services, which enables the construction environments to concentrate on training at ease.

Acceptable Occupation and Assignment Period

The method for accepting Technical Intern Trainees consists of 2 types: “Individual-Enterprise-Type” and “Supervising-Organization-Type”.
There are restrictions on the number of foreign nationals accepted, length of assignment, job categories, and tasks.

Technical Intern Training (ⅰ)

Technical Intern Training (ⅰ) job categories (Excluding job categories & operations eligible for shifting)

Technical Intern Trainees (ⅰ) are permitted to work in a range of jobs/tasks that not be learned through the repetition of simple work.

Assignment Period: For 1 year

Technical Intern Training (ⅱ) and (ⅲ)

Job categories & operations eligible for shifting (87 job categories and 159 tasks)

Technical Intern Trainees (ⅱ) and (ⅲ) are permitted to work for 2 - 5 years (maximum) only in designated jobs/tasks.

Assignment Period:

Technical Intern Training (ⅱ) (job categories & operations eligible for shifting)・・・For 2 years
※It is necessary to pass trade skill tests to shift from Technical Intern Training (ⅰ) to Technical Intern Training (ⅱ).

Technical Intern Training (ⅲ) (job categories & operations eligible for shifting)・・・For 2 years
※It is necessary to pass grade 3 trade skill tests to shift from Technical Intern Training (ⅱ) to Technical Intern Training (ⅲ).